Friday, September 25, 2009

NOMADS Annual Meeting Columbus, IN

     This was a wonderful week of getting together with other NOMADS.  There were 360 in attendance.  It was similar to other conferences I've attended, in that it there were business meetings and seminars to attend.  The difference was that every day opened with Bible study and hymn singing.  And the seminars involved what tools to carry on the RV for projects, drywalling techniques, electricity and plumbing 101.  There was some excellent information.  Most of the fun was in meeting previous acquaintances and making new friends.  I met people I will be working with on future projects.  There was excellent food and entertainment, but, alas, not any shopping.
     Correction,  I did have to go shopping for a new gas cap.  I seem to have left mine at a gas station about 40 miles away. When I called it was nowhere in sight.  I got somebody to take me to an Auto Zone and an Advanced Auto Parts and neither had one that I could use and suggested  I go to an RV dealer (none are in the area).    We then went to Wal-Mart to get groceries for the potluck dinner and there was a cap that looked like would fit.  Yep, did the trick.  whew.
     It's been hot, muggy, and rainy all week.  Now, it's just rainy.  Everything has to be packed up wet.  Tomorrow I will be going to a nearby town to visit a high school friend.  I will stay with her a couple of days.  The Jambo will be parked in a UMC parking lot.  For the privilege of doing so, I will be talking to that congregation about NOMADS.  I'm glad for the opportunity to do so, because most people don't know about this group.
     After that I will be driving to Missouri to have a brief visit with a former deaf student.  From there I will head to Clarence, MO for a three week project.
     Happy trails.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

On the Road

     Travel time again.  It was great to visit back in the DC area (Duke Center).  I had fun seeing friends and having numerous dining engagements.  I'm sorry I didn't get to see everyone.  Seems pretty difficult to do, though, I did get a lot of shopping done...again.
     I had a good time, too, at the Northeast Jurisdiction Reunion of the NOMADS.  The Ives Run, campground in Tioga, PA is beautiful and a good place for such a gathering.  
     I am now headed to Columbus, IN for the national gathering of the NOMADS.  There is a week of activities, tours,  and seminars planned.  Several hundred NOMADS are registered to attend.  Should be a good time.  I know there will be lots of food and vendors, for, 

Friday, September 4, 2009


I'm back in the old area. I did spend the night in Walmart parking lot. It wasn't too bad. The next morning when I went to get gas, I found that the gas leaked out right near the point of entry. It only leaked as I filled the tank. So I was able to continue to travel.
I stayed a couple days in Ohio, visiting that old area. Now, back in PA, the Jambo is getting fixed and inspected. Seems there were some holes chewed in the hoses near where the gas goes in. I can't get away from critters. I have no idea when or how this would've happened.
Next week, while others in this area are enjoying the making of a movie starring Denzel Washinton, I am camping. The Northeast Jusisdiction of the NOMADS are having their annual get-together in Tioga, PA. I am looking forward to that.
Hope all have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend.