Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Aldersgate Camp Ravenna, KY

     I spent a week at this camp.  It is nestled in the hills of Kentucky and is the most beautiful camp I've ever seen- setting, buildings, upkeep, etc.  I painted interior walls of bathhouse, raked gravel after flooding rains, and helped serve and clean up after meals for special events.   
     The camp is on the site (and now caretakers) of a former town, Fitchburg.  The largest charcoal iron smelting furnace in the world was the main part of that town.  The remains are now a National Historic site.
     After completing my week here, I drove an hour and spent the weekend with nephew and family.  We toured the historic area, visited a Shaker village, and enjoyed displays and shops of products by Kentucky artisans.  
     I will now be traveling and visiting in the home area of Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The End of an Era

My Mom entered Heaven the evening of May 8. She was able to go Home and spend Mother's Day with her mother and family. She and Dad get to square dance again.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Opry and Derby

     The Grand Ole Opry was awesome.  Spending the beautiful sunny day in Nashville visiting the sites was great.
      Being at the Kentucky Derby was something best left to the imagination.  The record setting levels of rain for the area left the infield so muddy that the boozed soaked youth held mud wrestling contests.  Tarps were used for slip 'n slide rides.  The races could not be seen nor heard. 
If you ever decide to go, spend the hundreds of dollars to get a seat.  The hats were still fun to see, I got souvenir mint julep glasses, and I can say that I was there to lose my money in person!!
     Now it's on to a week of volunteering at a church camp in Ravenna, KY...that's if I make it through the flooded areas and streets.
     I think this year should be called "Extreme Volunteering."  I've pretty much was a part of all the extreme weather this country has had in the past 10 months.