Tuesday, October 20, 2015


     I spent two weeks at Arizona Reservation Ministries.  Their bus was in the shop for major repairs so the children's ministry was not being done during that time.  I was, though, able to help with other things.  A new bus is being prepared to be put into use an the children have been tracing handprints on the outside and requesting a color for them to be painted.  I painted many of the handprints.
     I was able to attend a house blessing.  This is a ceremony/party that ARM does when they have completed a house and turn the keys over to the owner.  Because the director's wife had hurt her back, I baked the cakes that were to be taken for the party.
     I also helped at a Fun Day.  This is a designated day that ARM goes to a neighborhood and provides a hot dog dinner, games, prayer, and support for children and adults.  A couple of volunteer groups from other areas were in for the weekend, so there were lots of people doing lots of things.
     I also helped with some clerical work and general odd jobs in the office.
     After that I headed to Mesa and back to Towerpoint.

I actually wrote this the end of September, but for some reason it wasn't posted (probably had something to do with trying to learn how to use a new computer).  So here it is now, one month later.
Still having trouble putting on pictures.  Oh well.