Monday, October 29, 2012


I decided the Georgetown was too big for me and it had some issues.  So I ordered a new RV, a Forest River Sunseeker.  I had hoped it would arrive sooner than it did, but finally I took possession of it on Friday October 26.  I hastily loaded it and got on the road two days later.  I tried to get ahead of Hurricane Sandy.  I did end up in some wind, but certainly not anything like what was in the East.  I had an engine light come on that first day, but after having someone check it with the computer, found that it was nothing to worry about.  The stop did delay the traveling west a little.
In all the haste to get away I did not take a picture of it.  So that will come later.
I am headed to Arizona the long way.  I want to avoid November snows.  So not only is the RV a Sunseeker, so am I.