Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Boys' Ranch

The rodeo was great!! It was here at the Ranch. I got to be one of the flaggers who started and stopped the timed events. The boys and girls from the Circle of Care homes had several different competitions. NOMADS also had a table selling all the baked goods we had made. The day was full of activities- parade, barbeque, rodeo, and cobblers for all. There were about 400 attendees.

After that we spent our days cleaning, building a shed, painting, and odd jobs. On the weekend we went to the Cherokee History Museum in Tallequah, OK. There was a guided tour through a replica of an ancient village and a self guided walk through a pioneer town. Very nice.

This has been another beautiful place in which to work. As you go out the driveway, the Tenkiller Lake is in front of you. There was a full moon one night and I got that picture of it while standing in the front lawn. That's me on the far left of the rodeo picture.

Because we had worked overtime getting prepared for the rodeo, we ended the project early. Some of the team have departed; some of us are relaxing for a couple days.
I will be traveling to Globe, Arizona next.

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