My two black eyes are getting better. -- I got them from the iron fence post hitting me in the forehead last week.
Christmas Eve was relatively quiet.-- I spent it in the Jambo due to the cancellation of Christmas Eve church service. The high winds blew the rain and sleet with face burning force. Then came the snow; a storm, the likes of which the area has never seen. We got at least eight inches of snow, and with those winds, there were lots of drifts.
My water pipes haven't froze yet. -- I put RV antifreeze in them, but that means I have no running water in the RV, but I was able to take a sponge bath in the volunteer room. (The shower lines there have thawed out now, so now I can take an actual shower.)
My water hose thawed out today.-- I didn't reattach it, because it will be below freezing again each night this week.
The generator runs well.-- I have to use it because the electrical power is out.
The two RVs here and the house trailer we are parked next to, are still whole.-- The firemen who were here Christmas day said we were lucky that the meter pole, that supplies us and a small barn with electric, didn't burn anymore than it did. The electrician will come Monday.
I'm cozy warm in the Jambo. -- The carbon monoxide alarm went off only because as the other RVer tried to turn his truck around in the deep snow, slush, ice and mud, my furnace sucked in his exhaust.
I have enough food, water, propane for heat, and gasoline for the generator, for a few days. -- The roads are not clear and probably won't be for days, because Texas doesn't have weather this bad..... (no salt, plows, etc)
I fed the horses.-- Nobody could make it to do their daily routine. It was fun trying to negotiate the ice, mud, snow, and hungry beasts.
So all is well-- so to all a good night.
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