The bus goes out each day to a different neighborhood on the San Carlos Apache Reservation. The team (now including Apache women) teach a Bible lesson, have a craft, offer a snack, and have some games. This is all after school for an hour and is basically controlled chaos.
On Saturday I had the priviledge to attend a baptism that ARM did for those interested. It was in the river. Awesome. Then they provided everyone with sloppy joes. Doesn't get any better than that!
One day on the way to a neighborhood a large Diamondback rattler crossed the road in front of us. Glad I was in a vehicle.
Another day, I experienced my first monsoon. The wind blew fiercely from every direction, it seemed. The rain poured and hail pounded- fun in an RV. Then it was gone. It lasted about 20 minutes, but it closed roads for a short time as the water rushed through the washes.
Now it's on to Towerpoint RV Park in Mesa, AZ. Let the fun begin!