Monday, December 12, 2011

Animals I saw at Arizona Reservation Ministries

Gambel's quail, roadrunner, javelina.
I couldn't get an actual picture of the roadrunners or javelinas. They move too fast. All these were regular visitors around the RV. Gotta love the wildlife.


I have been enjoying the activities available at this resort. I even met a NOMADS couple that are parked just five sites away (that's pretty close in a park that has over 1000 sites). I recently learned that a cousin-in-law lives just a few miles away. We have made plans to get together. I've rented a car and gone shopping and got bus passes for other city travel.
Last week I was able to join a couple who volunteer regularly at Arizona Reservation Ministries and went back for a day to help with the Christmas stocking distribution on the Apache Reservation. Over the weekend I was able to observe the lunar eclipse.
So all is well in Mesa, AZ