We finished working at Camp Jo-Ota on Thursday October 22. It had rained a lot that week, over 2 inches in one day. ugh. We completed the wall, mudded, sanded and painted one side. The benches, made of rough log planks, were installed in the area we had cleared. The carpets in a couple of cabins were shampooed (bunks moved and cleaned under). The valves in several toilets were installed. We left feeling we didn't quite finish anything, but a lot had gotten done. There will be work to do for a long time.
I will attempt to add a picture or two. I just figured out how to do that. ....
I think I did it....should've done this long time ago. I'm so good at this computer stuff (not).
We left on Friday. The others were headed to their homes. I came to my brother's in Kansas. It's been fun visiting him and all his family. I also attempted to clean the Jambo's roof. Look out below!! The only thing that broke was my scrub brush when I threw it down from up above.
Friday Oct. 30 I will leave here and head to Perryville, Arkansas to do a three project at Heifer Project. I am excited about that.